Busy schedule workout


Usually, most people have excuses that they don’t have time to go to the gym and workout. They seem to be very busy in their day to day life. But what if I tell you that by working out for just 24 minutes per day and 4 days a week, you can achieve a very fit body.

Most people assume that they need to work out for 1-2 hours and 7 days a week. But this is not necessarily true. Everyone has their own goal and lifestyle. The most important thing is how they adapt workout and diet in their lifestyle.

So, I am going to share with you a few tips and techniques which will help you while working out in your busy life.


1. Myo-reps

The basic principle of Myo-Reps is taking your first set to failure. Now, here failure means pushing a set with as many reps as you can until it is physically impossible for you to do one more rep, not because of the pain, but because of physical limits. The main reason for most people to stop while performing set is due to tiredness. But to be honest we all can push our limits. After your first set, wait for 8-10 seconds or 5 deep breaths and continue until failure again.

Let’s say, if you did 15-20 repetition and hit failure in your first set. Then after taking 5 deep breaths, you continue doing it until failure with same weight. You push it again and again for 3 total number of sets. You need to do this technique for each one of your exercises.


2. Routine

It is enough to work out for 4 days a week. You can divide your exercise for 2-day cycle. For example, you do exercises for chest, back and shoulder in Day 1 and you do exercises for legs, biceps and triceps in Day 2. And, after taking a day off, you do same for next day 4 and 5. This helps you to train each body part twice a week.

Maybe in 1st day, you can choose 2 exercises each per body part. For Chest, you can do bench press and chest fly machine. For Back, you can do lat pulldown and seated cable row. Similarly, for shoulder, you can do dumbbell overhead press and dumbbell lateral raise.

Try to do all these exercises by following the above Myo-Reps technique. By doing this technique, it might take 90 – 120 seconds to do one single exercises with 2 minutes rest after an exercise is completed. Similarly, you can do all the 6 exercises in 24 minutes.

You can follow this routine. It is a simple routine but it is intense. Try to make it intense if it feels too easy. Make sure to give it a try.



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