Simple ways to get lean


We all would love to be lean and have a decent physique. Fat loss is one of the major common topics that comes quite frequently in the fitness world. The majority of people join the gym and want to lose their fat in order to get lean. And, there are different kinds of equipment in the market for fat loss such as six-pack gears, magic tea or fat loss tea and you must have probably heard of those.

However, instead of spending your time and effort on these things, if you spend your energy in things or strategies that actually work, it will lead to better results. So, how can regular people, who are not fully dedicated into fitness lifestyle loose fat with minimal effort? Here are some tips how you can do it.


1. Track your workout

“Abs are not made in a day”. First of all, have a plan and track your current bodyweight and your goal bodyweight with the estimated time period to achieve it. And, since we talking about a relaxed approach, try losing half kg of weight per week which is very practical. Don’t aim for 2kgs per week or 6kgs in a month. Let’s say if you want to lose 5 kilos of weight, then that can take up to 10 – 12 weeks which is 3 months. So, it is very important to determine your estimated time frame for your goal and have a plan. Monitor your weight weekly. Make sure you measure your weight and keep track of it every day and have its average report at the end of the week.


2. Cardio

We all have smartphones of our own. Downloading a step tracker can be very helpful to count our steps. It is not necessary to go to the gym and hit cardio. Instead of using a vehicle for traveling why not walk? Do you have a habit of walking? If not try to incorporate it into your daily life. Start your steps from 10,000 daily but if you are really committed to lose fat, then aim for 15,000 – 20,000 steps daily.


3. Build on some lean muscle

You won’t look good just by losing weight. It is important to preserve some muscle as well while you are losing fat. So, try to workout 2 – 3 full- body sessions with compound movements such as bench press, squats and deadlifts. It’s not necessary to go to the gym for 6 days a week. Instead, you can just go for 3 days a week with 3 days rest.


4. Low calorie drinks

Have drinks like black coffee, lemon water or green tea which can help in suppressing your hunger. Don’t worry, these are low calorie drinks. So, they won’t affect your meal plans or caloric goals in a negative way. Make yourself busy in some works so that you don’t have time to think about foods. And, when it comes to food, always go for green vegetables and lean protein foods like chicken breast, red meat, fish, etc.


5. Body measurement

Finally, the last thing is to record your progress. Take your progress pictures and body parts measurement every week and try to compare those to your last week. Since we see ourselves every single day, it is hard to see any results for us but keeping records of our body every week can help us spot differences in our body size.

Fat loss is a slow process. Don’t rush! Stay consistent and you will surely achieve your goal.

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