How To Be Safe At The Gym


According to the data given by CDC roughly 7.8% of people who went to the gym were infected with the coronavirus. The remaining 8.5% from bars and 40.9% from restaurants. But regardless of where you go your safety must be your priority. But before that, we must understand that this is going to stay with us for at least a year or more. 

man holding two dumbbells

So, let’s begin, 

1.) Always check your temperature because this will prevent any potentially infected person to spread the virus. 

2.) Always get sanitized before you enter the gym and after you’ve finished your workout because doing this will not only disinfect you from the potentially contracted virus but also prevent you from spreading it.

3.) Always wipe down the seats, handles, and bars that you’ve just used with proper sanitizers and disinfectants.

Note: - This is common among most of us who are used to tracking our progress in our phones or diary so if you want to be extra cautious carry a small bottle of sanitizer.

4.) Try to bring your workout gear at the gym because there is a small probability of getting infected through a gym gear offered by the gym, and if possible, try not to change at the gym’s locker or washroom.

5.) Follow the gym protocol, each gym has its own rule for the amount of time you can work out so be it 45 mins, 60 mins, 90 mins, always follow the protocol.

6.) And lastly but most importantly always be cautious of touching your face, nose, or eyes, because it’ll immensely decrease the chances of you contracting the virus, and don’t forget to occasionally sanitize your hands. 

man's face

Other things being said, realistically it will take a year or more for us to recover from this pandemic just physically, mentally, and emotionally. Instead of being scared and paranoid, we must understand that it’s not going to go anywhere for a long time and its effects are inevitable so instead we must learn to adapt and live with it and treat it as a part of our daily lifestyle instead of a deadly virus since the mortality rate is very low and the fact that it can be avoided with proper precautionary measures. 


So, you’re not a reader huh? 

Why don’t you check out my YouTube video about How you can stay safe at the gym and public places where I give you similar information and advice on how to prevent the pandemic from effecting your gains and day to day life.


           Want to learn more about how to stay safe and grow both physically, mentally, and emotionally while taking your grooming game to the next level? 

           How about you check out my YouTube channel for unlimited free information and tips on how to grow and succeed in life. For more daily content check out my Instagram, and if you want to learn more about fitness, grooming, and Nutrition how about you check out my Homepage.

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