
woman using body tape measure while measuring her waist

Muscle growth is only possible if you lift weights and eat a lot of food. And that is the goal of many fitness enthusiasts, to lift heavy and build muscle. But in order to grow, you must understand that food is an important factor and we need to eat lots and lots of it. Which can lead us to get fat. A research published in 2014 A.D. showed that if you are above 20% body fat your testosterone decreases and your estrogen level increases. This means that during your bulk, there is a high probability of gaining more fat than muscle.

person standing on white digital bathroom scale

And, here’s where a mini-cut is important.

Once you get to a point where you are at a body fat percentage of 18%-20%, then you should mini-cut. To check your bodyfat percentage click here. Because a mini-cut doesn’t last that long (i.e. 2-4 weeks) there is less muscle loss and more fat loss. And it also and rewires your body and make your bulk more effective.

man in gray long sleeve shirt and black pants holding black metal bar

To properly do a mini-cut you need to have an aggressive cut. Meaning that you must be in a deficit of 1000 calories. But remember that a mini-cut is only for you if you are below 20% body fat, if you are above that range then a proper cut will be the best option for you.

Think of it as a tool for bulking, one step back to move two steps forward.


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