
woman using body tape measure while measuring her waist

Weight loss can be a struggle if done wrong and similarly can be very easy if done right. But the biggest enemy of weight loss is, looking for shortcuts and totally depending on fad diets. The best way to actually lose fat is to eat healthy, move more, and get enough rest. Because the majority of people aren’t losing fat because being honest shortcuts don’t work and that’s why people get disappointed and demotivated when they don’t get results.

So, here’s why you aren’t losing weight: -


1.) You are eating calorie-dense food

photography of brown nuts

Some foods are very dense in calories and similarly, some food is very light. For example, a cut of broccoli is less than 50 calories, while similarly, a cup of peanuts is worth more than 800 calories.


  • Know what you are eating.
  • Eat high protein food.
  • Eat more vegetables because they are light in calories and high in fiber.


2.) You are only focused on cardio

man in yellow tank top running near shore

To get a basic idea, one hour of cardio burns approximately 300 calories but only for the time being. But weight lifting will help you build more muscle and in return, you will burn more calories throughout the day.


  • Weight train for 4-5 days a week.
  • Incorporate cardio only as a tool.


3.) You are not focusing on recovery

woman laying on bed

Our body is a very smart machine, it understands that it needs fat in order to survive and it holds on to it as a precious resource as long as you are awake.


  • Get enough sleep and rest


4.) You are spending your time doing the wrong exercise

woman lifting barbel

The truth is that spot reduction isn’t real. Similarly doing lightweight workouts won’t help you burn more fat than usual.


  • Do more compound workouts
  • Incorporate exercises like Deadlifts, Squats, Overhead press, Bench-Press, etc.


5.) Consuming too much liquid calories

porridge with bananas

Liquid foods such as fruit juice, smoothies, and other fizzy drinks. Fruit juice that is factory-made and is filled with sugars and other harmful preservatives, similarly freshly squeezed fruit juice requires at least 3-4 fruits to fill one cup making it high in fructose, sugar, and calories.


  • Consume whole fruits because they are high in fiber low in calories and will fill you up.
  • Drink low-calorie juices that are high in fiber.


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