Should you Cut or Bulk?


man in black jacket and black shorts standing on black carpet

Well, the decision of going on a cut or a bulk is confusing, especially for beginners. Having a strategy really helps to change your body in a positive way so keep in mind to plan out your transformation in a convenient way that you can stay consistent to, while having fun. The next step really depends upon your body. Commonly, it is best to bulk if your bodyfat percentage is less than 20% and similarly if it is more than 20% going for a cut is best. To calculate your body fat percentage click here.

person wearing gray tank top

But, if you are completely new to working out, then body-recomposition is possible, meaning that you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

man lifting barbell

Even better, if you have low muscle mass and are at a body fat percentage that is 20% then the best option for you will be to bulk up, especially lean bulk, with the goal to get stronger and better than a week ago. And, if you have a higher body fat percentage than 20% then you can go for a cut with a very small caloric deficit of 500-600.


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